Saturday, 19 August 2017

Learn with Nova Science Publishers, How to Manage Your Publication Online

Publishing your content online is not only easier in terms of getting your ideas out there, but it simplifies the management process, too. You should be able to manage your own content if you are self-published, but if you have an e-book with a reputable publisher like Nova Science Publishers, you should take note of their guidelines and recommendations for managing publications online. That way, you can be sure that you can revise or update your publication without risking getting unpublished or dropped by your preferred publisher.

It pays to be informed when learning how to manage your publication online, so be sure to look into the resources provided by your publisher to learn more about their guidelines. Nova Science Publishers has a page dedicated to authors and editors in its official website. All the resources, forms, and information you will need to manage your publication online are there, so you should have no problem finding what you are looking for. Otherwise, get in touch with the publisher for any additional inquiries you may have.

Each publisher will have a unique set of guidelines for formatting your manuscript. If you are working with Nova Science Publishers, download their manuscript style form to learn how you should format and edit your manuscript. The guidelines describe the things you should do, from the way all chapter titles and author names must be listed and spelled, to writing text within paragraphs and column headers in tables. If you are not sure what to do, consider downloading templates from the publisher to serve as your guide. Nova Publishers have a good selection of templates you can follow, including a template for creating a fancy header. They have guidelines and notes for edited book chapter contributors, too. Be sure to go through them to understand what type of publication can submit to them as contributors.

Top Considerations to Make Before Getting Your Book Published with Nova Publishers

Scholars and researchers seeking to get their original works put into print will find that Nova Publishers has proudly served the academic community for more than 30 years. In its time in the industry, Nova has gained an excellent reputation for helping authors share their educational, research and informational materials in such fields as the social sciences, biology, medicine and technology, among other areas of academia. Authors seeking to work with Nova Science Publishers to get their manuscripts into circulation do need to meet certain qualifications.

Before making a submission to Nova, authors will want to consider these things:

• The nature of the submission – Nova Publishers specializes in academic works, instructional materials and other non-fictional manuscripts. To determine if a publication idea might be suitable for consideration, look over the publishing house’s list of available titles.

• The type of book being proposed – Nova specializes in both authored monograph and edited collections. Determining the type of submission before presenting a proposal is important.

• The anticipated length of the submission – Developing a sound outline, proposed table of contents and anticipated number of words will all be necessary before making a submission. This information is important for helping determine whether a book will be best suited for hard- or softcover publishing.

• The proposed time line – Nova Publishers does accept conceptual ideas from qualified authors. Manuscripts do not have to be completed to be taken under consideration. Time tables for completion, however, are required for Nova’s team to make a final publishing decision.

• The availability of endorsements – Authors will need to have specialists in their field willing to endorse them and their final manuscripts.

• The likely lifespan of a publication’s findings – Academic works in areas with active, cutting-edge research are prone to becoming out of data fast. To accommodate for this possibility, Nova does allow updates and revisions to works at certain intervals following publication. Authors, however, are asked to estimate the likely period of time their work would remain relevant.

Nova Publishers specializes in bringing scholarly works to print. Authors and editors considering working with this publishing house will find it goes above and beyond to streamline the process. Certain requirements, however, must be met for Nova to consider a work for publication.