Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Three Secret Facts about Nova Publishing Company

Nova Publishing is a New York-based company that caters to academic authors, researchers, and professionals. It is a growing company with an unwavering commitment to deliver first class books and publications to the world. Founded in 1985, Nova Publishing has expanded across the globe as an STM publisher. Their excellence and success can be attributed to their expertise and experience in the field. Here are three things you may not know about this publisher. 

1. It was founded by Frank H. Columbus Jr.

One of the greatest contributors to the company is none other than its founder, Frank H. Columbus. He was an iconic figure because of his many accomplishments that shaped the field of academic publishing. He is credited for the popularization and spread of scientific studies by Ukrainian, Georgian, and Russian researchers. During his lifetime, he published more than thousand books on scientific research. A great leader and an example, his legacy has helped shaped the industry.

2. It gives many opportunities for authors, researchers, and professors.

The company is committed to helping academic authors share their work with the world.  Whether you are on your first or fifth book, your experience with Nova Science Publishers is sure to be remarkable. That's because the company endeavors to serve authors, helping them reap the fruits of their labor and giving their books more exposure. They have a vast network of academic associations, literary organizations, libraries, and bookstores. Their professional marketing team connects also with organizers of book conferences and events across the globe to bring their published books to local and international readers.

3. It offers journal subscriptions and a selection of open access books.

Through Nova’s journal subscriptions and open access books, researchers, authors, and professors can further improve their knowledge base. You can choose to either pay a small subscription fee or access some of the books for free.  

All You Need to Know about Nova Science Publishers and Their Published Books

Every author dreams of seeing their names in print and getting recognized because of their work. Even though these goals may seem too far away for now, you can certainly achieve them. But first, you must get your book published. If you are looking for a publisher to work with in New York, consider Nova Science Publishers. Here's everything you need to know about this publishing powerhouse: 

1. The company was started by one of the iconic figures in the industry, Frank Columbus. He was the former Vice President of Plenum Publishing Corporation and Cambridge Scientific. He has published thousands of research works by Russian, Georgian, and Ukrainian Scientists.

2. They are a leading publisher of academic books on science and technology, biology, medicine, and social sciences. But they also produce publications in other disciplines, including law, religious, and the humanities, to name a few. 

3. The academic authors and books handled by Nova Science Publishers gain a lot of exposure locally and internationally because this company actively participates in various trade shows and academic book events here and abroad. 

4. Next to Springer, Nova Science was recognized as the most multidisciplinary publisher according to the BKCI Coverage from 2005-2012. 

5. Some of their books have also won international awards, and even more titles have been included in editor's picks.

6. Their books are available in different formats such as hardcover, softcover, monographs, and handbooks. They also publish in various electronic formats like e-books, DVDs, and videos. 

7. The average number of titles they produce in a year is 1,500. 

8. They have a network of distributors all over the world, including Australia, Latin America, Europe and Asia. They continue to secure partnerships and expand globally. 

9. Books published by Nova Science Publishers are found in international libraries, bookstores, and educational institutions. 

10. For inquiries on the possibility of publishing your work, you can all them at (631)231-7269 or email nova.main@novapublishers.com. Their office is 400 Oser Ave. Suite 1600, Hauppauge, New York. 

How to Get the Most Out of Your Experience with a Book Publisher

Like other aspects of academic publishing, where you choose to publish is often just as important as the stuff you are publishing. This is why your decision of which publisher to sign with or submit your work to is crucial. Trying to publish with a renowned name such as Nova Science Publishing can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make in your publishing career. These kinds of publishers always have their authors’ best interest at heart, providing them with everything they need in order to succeed in the field of their choosing.

Certain presses are known to specialize in certain fields and subfields. Nova Science Publishing, for instance, focuses on science and technology, medicine, and social sciences, to name just a few. If you want to get the most out of your relationship with your chosen book publisher, it is critical that you find one whose focus is on the same subject or field as your work. It pays looking at your own bookshelf and asking around for recommendations of the best fitting publisher for your work. By looking at your own bookshelf and knowing your own taste in writing as well as editing styles, it will be easier to pinpoint presses that can cater to your needs well.

Asking for recommendations from people who have read your dissertation or are greatly familiar with your work will also help you find the right publisher that can take your manuscript to the next level. Your senior colleagues are great sources of valuable information, especially when it comes to getting your work published. Publishing houses like Nova Science Publishing also host and present book events and fairs—the same trade events you should be frequenting if you want to find similar books or publications that are similar to what your work is all about and in turn, build the necessary network for when it’s time to publish your own.

Getting Your Book Published

So you have written work ready for publishing, and now you need someone to publish it. Perhaps you’re even considering the self-publishing path. Whatever goal you have in mind, getting published in this day and age is a lot easier than ever before. Authors today, academic or otherwise, are at a great advantage, especially with the wealth of platforms they can turn to, as well as publishers who are willing to give their work a shot. Nova Science Publishers, for one, is the perfect platform for research work, scientific papers, medical articles, and other such contributions, that you want to put out there. As believed, publishing a book in the modern times isn’t without its challenges. Nevertheless, here are some things you should remember when trying to succeed at book publishing:

• Set your goals straight. When publishing a book, the end is always the best place to start. Put simply, you should know your goals before you even dive into the process. Consider what you want to accomplish—whether it be commercial success, academic recognition, or something deeper, like contributing to the world’s knowledge pool. Determining what you want to accomplish with your published work will help you map out the best path that will lead you to your end goal.

• Find a good publishing package from a reputable publisher. Working with reputable publishers like Nova Science Publishers is critical to the success of your publication. These houses know exactly what you need and will provide you with the right tools to meet your publishing needs.

• Be open to correction. Academic works are always subject to peer review for quality and correctness. Accepting correction where needed will go a long way in helping you fine tune your final output and ensure its quality, not only in terms of readability, but also in the way your facts are presented.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

3 Ways to Go from Blogger to Published Book Author by Nova Publishers

Blogs can very well be credible sources of information. However, a stigma of unreliability remains attached to these types of online content largely because they operate and exist in a largely unregulated arena. This is probably one of the main reasons why many bloggers are remolding their content and turning to publishing so as to gain more authority and bring more credibility to what they have to say. If you are a blogger who wants a stronger voice in your niche, considering turning your blog into a book might just be the best way to gain more credibility and reach a different audience. Below are useful tips for a successful blog-to-book project from Nova Publishers: 

• Review your blog to mine for related content. Established publishers like Nova Publishers look for fresh and unique takes on relevant subjects. If you have been blogging about a particular topic for years and know that you have enough material to turn into an interesting read, this is a great start for a blog-to-book project. Review your existing content and create a book outline out of your best material.

• It can be difficult to get rid of content you have worked hard to write. However, it is critical to keep your book cohesive, which often means paring down content that may not be as helpful to the story you want to tell or the message you want to get across. Just the same, content that you think must absolutely go into your book should be written or rewritten in the most sensible order.

• Get fresh eyes to review your work. Publishers like Nova Publishers maintain high standards when it comes to the books they publish. This is why getting a professional editor to look into your work is important to make sure that your book is up to par with what publishers are looking for.

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Avoid These Mistakes Which Result in the Rejection of a Science Article

Publication pressure causes the quantity of journals being published these days to rise and sadly, their quality to decline. This is why guidance for budding career scholars on writing quality journal articles is becoming increasingly relevant. While the rising number of publications you can submit to does slightly increase your chances of getting recognized, you don’t want just any journal to pick your work up, especially when you are no to possibly the next big scientific discovery. You want established, leading publications to take notice of your brilliance and to do this, you need to be guided accordingly. Even though you may think you know what publishers are looking for, there are still common mistakes that you need to avoid when trying to get published. Below are some of them from nova publishers:

• Getting too caught up in securing that tenure track faculty position. Writing a research paper shouldn’t solely be driven by your career move. Remember the aim of your paper. What is it trying to prove, disprove, or find a solution to? Make knowledge your inspiration more than that title or position. 

• Vague research questions are also common pitfalls of newbie researchers. Ake sure that your research problem isn’t too broad. Be more specific and clear in stating your research question as this will also help you organize your methodology and all the information that should be included in the paper. 

• As earlier pointed, out a vague question leads to a chaotic paper. To keep you guided, follow a simple structure that answers the problem at hand, and keep in mind what each section of the paper needs to accomplish. Don’t forget to mark and acknowledge your research’s limitations and define the implications of such limitations as well as the ways by which the research can be improved. 

• Leaving the research question unanswered is another major mistake to avoid. Before starting your conclusion, go back to the research question so that you will be sure to give it a proper answer.

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Learn with Nova Science Publishers, How to Manage Your Publication Online

Publishing your content online is not only easier in terms of getting your ideas out there, but it simplifies the management process, too. You should be able to manage your own content if you are self-published, but if you have an e-book with a reputable publisher like Nova Science Publishers, you should take note of their guidelines and recommendations for managing publications online. That way, you can be sure that you can revise or update your publication without risking getting unpublished or dropped by your preferred publisher.

It pays to be informed when learning how to manage your publication online, so be sure to look into the resources provided by your publisher to learn more about their guidelines. Nova Science Publishers has a page dedicated to authors and editors in its official website. All the resources, forms, and information you will need to manage your publication online are there, so you should have no problem finding what you are looking for. Otherwise, get in touch with the publisher for any additional inquiries you may have.

Each publisher will have a unique set of guidelines for formatting your manuscript. If you are working with Nova Science Publishers, download their manuscript style form to learn how you should format and edit your manuscript. The guidelines describe the things you should do, from the way all chapter titles and author names must be listed and spelled, to writing text within paragraphs and column headers in tables. If you are not sure what to do, consider downloading templates from the publisher to serve as your guide. Nova Publishers have a good selection of templates you can follow, including a template for creating a fancy header. They have guidelines and notes for edited book chapter contributors, too. Be sure to go through them to understand what type of publication can submit to them as contributors.