Sunday, 3 September 2017

Avoid These Mistakes Which Result in the Rejection of a Science Article

Publication pressure causes the quantity of journals being published these days to rise and sadly, their quality to decline. This is why guidance for budding career scholars on writing quality journal articles is becoming increasingly relevant. While the rising number of publications you can submit to does slightly increase your chances of getting recognized, you don’t want just any journal to pick your work up, especially when you are no to possibly the next big scientific discovery. You want established, leading publications to take notice of your brilliance and to do this, you need to be guided accordingly. Even though you may think you know what publishers are looking for, there are still common mistakes that you need to avoid when trying to get published. Below are some of them from nova publishers:

• Getting too caught up in securing that tenure track faculty position. Writing a research paper shouldn’t solely be driven by your career move. Remember the aim of your paper. What is it trying to prove, disprove, or find a solution to? Make knowledge your inspiration more than that title or position. 

• Vague research questions are also common pitfalls of newbie researchers. Ake sure that your research problem isn’t too broad. Be more specific and clear in stating your research question as this will also help you organize your methodology and all the information that should be included in the paper. 

• As earlier pointed, out a vague question leads to a chaotic paper. To keep you guided, follow a simple structure that answers the problem at hand, and keep in mind what each section of the paper needs to accomplish. Don’t forget to mark and acknowledge your research’s limitations and define the implications of such limitations as well as the ways by which the research can be improved. 

• Leaving the research question unanswered is another major mistake to avoid. Before starting your conclusion, go back to the research question so that you will be sure to give it a proper answer.

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